Your Patronage Supports Philanthropy
Our clients patronage supports our philanthropic efforts.
Thanks to our customers we have donated contemporary books and media and/or financial donations to dozen nonprofit organizations and associations in as many months.
Recent recipients of your generosity include: Aspiritech, Boys and Girls Clubs of North Central Illinois, Chicago Friends School, Daniel Hale Williams Elementary, Free Little Libraries, Habilitative Systems, Let Us R.E.S.T. (Respect Each Other and Stand Together), etc.
Thank you for your support.
About Remarkable + Cherished
Remarkable + Cherished is an antiquarian, rare book, and ephemera brokerage.
We specialized in the timeless, priceless, peerless, and completely precious additions to collections and both public and private libraries.
We welcome special requests and inquiries for gifts, estates and tax investments, and other specific needs.
Our clients are confidential. Our work is cherished.
Our Collections: American | Antiquarian + Extremely Rare Books | Banned + Controversial | Before 1900 | Children + Teen | Classics + Must Read | Comics + Magazines | Display | Ephemera | History | Modern Rare + Collectable | Music | Only Known Copy | Reference + Educational | Religious + Faith
© 2025, Remarkable + Cherished (a division of N.R. LLC). All rights reserved and vigorously defended.